Random Thoughts

Just some random comments on life from the day's experiences:
1. If it seems too good to be true...it is.
2. If you go into a store intending to buy a sensible pair of sandals for a five year-old you may come out with a pair of Transformer light-up tennis shoes.
3. Teenagers are more naive than you think
4. Sea World does tours with live animals. No really, it's true.
5. Sea World has lemurs. Why?
6. Poor eyesight is genetic. (I'm sorry Cedar)
7. 6 year-olds cannot carry a plate full of french toast and yogurt parfait without spilling. They MUST be assisted.
8. There is no way to make balancing the checking account non-stressful.
9. I am allergic to cottonwood trees.
10. There are an unusual number of said trees in our neighborhood.
11. 5 year-olds can stay up very, very late even when they are tired.
12. Cats can be obese.
13. If you call a student to the director's (principal's) office they will assume they are in trouble. (incidentally one came just because he heard students were being called in and assumed he was in trouble and needed to be there).
14. If a 5-year-old is given a "freebie" it is possible that they will believe they won it and forget about the thing they didn't win.
15. Cats enjoy crochet projects.
okay, I'm done

2 Responses to "Random Thoughts"

Becca Says :
April 24, 2008 at 3:24 PM

Nice Shar! I'd love to hear the stories behind some of these, especially the kid coming to the office when he didn't have to . . . Are you going to Sea World?

Rebecca Says :
April 26, 2008 at 11:09 AM

I love the list!

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Making snowflakes

The Masterpiece

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