
Amaze: To fill with wonder. To show or cause astonishment.

Things that amaze me....
~Modern technology
~Cedar's vocabulary
~Eric's ability to plan and execute activities, lesson plans, workshops etc.
~The number of times in a day parents (!) call their kids' cell phones while the children are in class!
~Running Water
~A child learning to read
~You can be married to someone for nearly 9 years and still learn new things about them everyday.
~People who believe e-mail forwards.
~The human body
~The human capacity to love
~The internet
~Texting. Really it just frightens me. I'm incapable.
~The creativity of young minds

My so-called life

So, it has been a crazy couple of days and I wanted to just write a list of things I've learned in the last couple of weeks. Free-style so to speak......
-Children can and will change their minds constantly--this only gets worse after puberty.
-I have the cutest nephews and nieces in the world. No really, I do.
-Even big kids needs parents.
-It is possible to survive a 9-10 hour car ride with a bored 6-year-old. Possible....but not pleasant.
-Even if your parents don't live in the house you grew up in (or even lived in ever), visiting them is still like coming home.
-Women (I can say this as I'm one of them) who only have one child can become extremely neurotic about that one child. True story.
-Never underestimate the number of songs a group of 12 year old girls can sing from memory. And never, encourage them to sing them. Ever...
-You can never be too careful when watching your kids or any kids for that matter.
-Family are the best friends of all (cheesy I know)
-Little girls and little boys are not the same--they're just not.
-Never disconnect the wireless in a home. Never, never, never.
-There are several (at least 2) fast food establishments that find it acceptable to put processed cheese on tacos. I'm not kidding. And yes, it's nasty. very, very nasty. TVP might also be an ingredient. Such a disgrace to the taco!
-It's very exciting to watch your child learn to read and write. Very tender.
-There are some people in the world for whom rules and regulations are unchangeable, final and omniscient. I don't like these people and generally they cannot or will not deal with me.
-Most things are nowhere near as big a deal as I think they are at the time. They just aren't.
-Life is good.

Making snowflakes

The Masterpiece

Cedar and Jennie decorating cookies

Cedar and his tree!

Brother Love

Wiley and his Nana

Cedar our little creative genius

My favorite part of the day

My office-there is a crib behind that divider!